My experience with Hypnosis, Psychology, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) enables me to offer effective outpatient, and individualized regressions tailored to all types of people and situations. I'm experienced in dealing with a number of mental health disorders, and provide a neutral ground to individuals and families seeking answers. I promise to be there for you every step of your journey. My goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life.
My main focus is to help you release and heal traumatic current or past experiences that have shaped who you are today, to free you of the cycles of the same people or scenarios that plague your life and never change, to become aware of the inner strengths that you were unaware of, to have your important questions answered, and getting a life plan going. We achieve this by providing a safe space, genuinely listening to your problems or issues, and having your questions and concerns answered in a 100% JUDGEMENTAL-FREE ENVIRONMENT.
I also specialize in dealing with very advanced issues involving Depression, Alcoholism, Suicide, Divorce, Mental & Physical Disabilities, Trauma of all kinds, PTSD involving but not limited to Veterans/Military/Police, Physical and Sexual abuse/Rape victims, Near Death Experience's (NDE), Physical pain from an Accident/Disease/Injury/Amputation, SRA and Trauma Based Mind Control victims including "Monarch" needing to be deprogrammed, Nightmares, Asthma, Skin disorders, Disease, Cancer patients needing answers or to heal the cancer, Brain damage/Amnesic disorders/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), recovering lost memories from being comatose or loss of time, those preparing for their death transition or the loss of a loved one, the elderly caught in bad situations needing answers, Bulimia/Anorexia and extreme Drug and Sex abuse.
I am a Dolores Cannon trained, Level 2, Quantum Healing & Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner operating out of Tampa Bay, Florida. Due to a Near Death Experience involving a motorcycle crash in 2005, through brain damage Traumatic Brain Injury - Amnesic Disorder (TBI), many broken bones, and a re-wiring of my neurons, I developed numerous abilities including an advanced IQ, Claircognizance, and the ability to understand complicated concepts through fluid intelligence. This allows me to do regressions from an advanced viewpoint, truly understanding how you need to be healed. I have travelled to 18 countries the last five years learning knowledge, advanced techniques, and spreading knowledge about the power of hypnosis. I'm regularly interviewed on live podcasts and radio shows involving past life regression, the universe, ancient civilizations, and advanced knowledge.
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?
Dolores Cannon, the creator of this amazing technique involves inducing an individual to the “Somnambulistic” state of trance, the deepest level of hypnosis available to date, through simple visualizations such as colors and shapes. This isn't your typical "listen to my voice," or "watch this pocket watch swing back and forth until your eyes become drowsy," nonsense. That technique is antiquated and best served in the early to mid 1900's. This technique allows you to access a state, which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake from sleeping and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep. Directly before you shift into the the Delta (sleep) wavelength, you enter this dream-like world momentarily before you're in Delta R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement), which is the wavelength of sleep . This is all science-talk for ALL THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL AND YOU HAVE ALREADY EXPERIENCED IT TWICE DAILY SINCE YOU WERE BORN.
There are (4) states we go through everyday that are completely natural. This is a normal state of being called the "Trance" frequency, or state. Historically, lower-level hypnotists specializing in the lightest level of hypnosis, called "Alpha", (typically illusionists, stage performers, weight loss and habit specialists), have avoided conducting research with patients in the "Trance" state because of the strange and often inexplicable results that are recorded and they are ill-equipped and untrained to handle the situation, due to being unqualified. Main stream science cannot explain it, nor debunk it. Neither can PHD Medical Doctors witnessing the results first-hand during clinical trials or collegiate settings. Many PHD Psychologists, Scientists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Doctors and Psychotherapists all around the world use this technique at the highest levels including the governement, FBI, and CIA using it in forensic settings to access memories of crimes in extreme detail.
It was working with clients specifically in the Somnambulistic state and exploring the possibilities that led Dolores and others around the world using her technique to discover that almost any individual, 90% of the planet, can gain access to experiences of the past and further. Every moment you've ever experienced, every dream you've ever had is stored in your subconscious and can be accessed. In the 1960s, Dolores was using simple hypnosis for habits (stop smoking, weight loss, etc). Dolores was however first introduced to the idea of reincarnation in 1968 when she was asked by one of the doctors at the naval base her husband was stationed at in Texas to help one of his patients using hypnosis. The woman suffered from a nervous eating disorder, was extremely obese, had high blood pressure and suffered from kidney problems. The doctor thought it would be extremely beneficial if hypnosis could be used to help the woman simply relax. Midway through the session, the woman unexpectedly began describing scenes from a past life where she was a flapper girl, living in Chicago in the roaring 1920s. Dolores watched as the woman literally transformed into a different personality with different vocal patterns and body mannerisms. Despite being highly strange and completely inexplicable, she decided to go with the flow of the session and see what she could find out by exploring. Over the next several months, Dolores regressed the woman through five different and distinct lifetimes back to when she was created by God. The entire story of this event is told in the first book Dolores ever wrote, Five Lives Remembered (2009).
We can even go back to exact moments in your life from your past that you want or NEED to relive because it was an important event in your life and because of that event you're who you are today, with all the problems attached to it, or free from it. Or finding moments that have caused you pain that you have never let go and would like to now let it go and heal from it. Reliving these moments from a detached, non-emotional point of view, you will go back and see everything that happened, in extreme detail watching and experiencing from a First Person point of view. It will be more real that what you perceive now. You will only understand if you do it or have done it previously. You can even step outside of your body, and look around and see other points of views. You can then authorize the healing of that moment to begin and it has lifelong results.
You can even relive Past Lives that you have lived. This is the realm that Dolores wondered upon on by accident. The amount of lives you have lived could be vast. The more hypnosis you do, the more past lives are discovered and remembered. Your session is video recorded so you see yourself speaking and experiencing these events yourself and will see that I do not lead you anywhere or ask you to see anything. I do not ask you to see visuals or the things you experience. Through the technique, it all comes naturally. I basically help guide you through scenes you are already physically experiencing while your eyes are closed. These events are 100% real and are impossible to make up and create in your mind while in the trance state as this is only possible from a fully awake, conscious state. When your in Trance, you are in the right side of the brain. This means that is it impossible to access lying, make believe story telling, and the creation of images in your head. So with that being said, were on the side where it is impossible to make up and fabricate what your're experiencing.
It was also exploring with clients in this state that Dolores discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with through your voice. This part of ourselves, as Dolores has learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so she appropriately chose to label it “The Subconscious.” The Subconscious is what gives her and practitioners of her QHHT technique access to past lives and the ability to perform instantaneous healings when appropriate, backed by x-rays, medical diagnosis, blood tests, MRI's, Cat scans and various other medically approve tests. Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on hundreds of thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds, and had been proven with physical evidence from Medical Doctors diagnosis, thousands of times all over the world.
“Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally they are mechanical products of the factory of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction. By evading self-analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment. True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.”
- Paramahansa Yogananda
(A very BRIEF history on Christianity and hidden knowledge)
This technique also does not disprove Christianity with the introduction of reincarnation or idea of a "past life" as reincarnation was originally taught by Jesus, backed by other historical documents like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essene Scrolls, the Pistis Sophia, the Nag Hammadi and various other recently discovered documents including the lost and recently found "Gospel of Origens," reaffirming Jesus' teachings of reincarnation. His original teachings were originally struck out in the 325 AD "Nicene Creed" purge when the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, along with his mother Helena, and the Roman "Pisos" family, a Roman family related to one of Rome's emperors, deleted all references to reincarnation contained in the New Testament, to exercise more control on the population as the news was spreading about Jesus' revelations. Then in 553 AD, at an Ecumenical Council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople called the "Council of Nicea," they affirmed this edict through a vote and declared the concept of reincarnation a heresy and was made illegal to believe in by the Catholic Church because the news spread and was being practiced by large amounts of the population and it was creating a separate religion, therefore losing control over the mass. So basically, reincarnation was a common belief in most religions of the time and for 553 years AFTER he died, his teachings were removed and became a punishable crime to believe in from that point on, including death. This is also why he was targeted by King Herod and Pilates and then crucified. This is a major subject we have found that has been historically edited and there are many truths and hidden knowledge that were intentionally left out of the Bible.
KEEP IN MIND, I AM NOT PSYCHIC. I'm not one of "those" people. I do not have special powers. Everything we access comes from your Subconscious, or Higher Self, if you will. You heal yourself from within by seeing the afflictions and acknowledging them. I am just a facilitator of healing.
It is impossible for me to make you see anything, as these tricks you’ve seen on tv are done in the lightest level of hypnosis, and is mostly a joke for dramatization and the people are acting the part. I cannot make you do anything you do not want to do or access any information you don’t want me to hear while under hypnosis. Anything that you would deem private, will stay private, through built in protections of the technique. I cannot pry information from you while under as you are always conscious. That is impossible once we've drifted into the right side of the brain, a place where story telling, visualization and lying are impossible being that the left side of the brain controls these functions and faculties. There are security protocols built into the technique that protect the client from divulging information deemed too sensitive or private. The session is fully recorded with video and audio and you get a FREE copy to see that with this technique, I never pry for information deemed "too sensitive," or "inappropriate" for me to know at this time and provides you with piece of mind for any possible situations that could arise that you think could possibly happen. When watching your video, you get to relive the experience over and over revealing unknown truths and kickstarting other hidden memories. You get to see yourself experience this first hand and see the emotions and memories you felt at the time while under.
Only you can authorize this information. I deal in the deepest and the most serious aspects as well, such as people dying of cancer or coming back off of cancer treatments like chemo / radiation / surgery complications, soldiers with PTSD from the war, amputees, abused mothers, severe drug addicts who need answers or to get off the drugs or completely introverted people with social anxiety disorders with thought of suicide, to abductees reliving the abduction while searching for answers, including MILAB's and people who have lost loved ones. I also deal with attempting to locate "alters" to either find the reason for them being there or helping remove them through reversing the programming.
You don't have to be afflicted with any problems whatsoever to have questions about your life and are just curious to discover the idea of reincarnation and to have a session done. I also do completely regular, everyday run-of-the-mill people that just have questions about their own life or have unresolved issues that need attention or perhaps traditional medicine has turned them away and shunned them leaving them to alternative medicine or suffering without curing them with then latest medical technology in some way.
I’ve dealt with them all and most have received immediate healing in some way or another and major issues were let go and permanently resolved. Also, when I take you to the right side of your brain under hypnosis, it is impossible to make believe or to imagine anything, as the left side of your brain that processes the creation of imagery has been disabled, temporarily. I slowly drift you from the left technical, analytical side, into the emotional side of your brain to access the memories and deeply rooted information that you are unaware of and cannot consciously access.
Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores has produced, the results experienced by QHHT Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple Other Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.
"Without a doubt, this experience was one of the most amazing of my life. This was my first regression and I consider it a huge success. Drago makes you feel safe, secure, relaxed, and calm. Beforehand, Drago explains each and every step of the regression and exactly what to expect. He takes the time to get to know you and explore the answers you seek. His in-depth and comprehensive introduction is compelling and informative. As to the regression itself, it literally blew my mind. It was all so real; every detail; what I was wearing, my jewelry, my surroundings and location, where I lived, what I did for a living, my family, hobbies, the events I attended and on and on… I smiled and wept at times. And yes, I watched myself die in that lifetime. It wasn’t at all unpleasant. It was peaceful, calm and beautiful. I left that world happy and my transition was not at all alarming. We visited my cancer diagnosis in this lifetime. I was so afraid of it returning and now I’m at peace with any outcome that may occur and know the reasons why I have certain ailments in this life. You will receive a video recording of your experience and I have watched mine several times. Each time, I gain additional insight. I truly look forward to my next regression and Drago is a true professional at his craft."
- Erin, 55, Retired
"I rate my experience with Drago 5 out of 5 stars ☆☆☆☆☆. I was looking for answers to many questions I had about myself in order to move forward in my life on the path I am destined for so I decided to jump on a flight down to Florida from Washington State to obtain these answers. Now I no longer feel stuck in a rut. I see things from a heightened perspective and I am able to now make more solid choices that I know will bring me the fulfillment I've so desperately been searching for. Nothing else has helped me any where nearly as much as my session with Drago, his services are unique and get to the root of all things. If you are looking to change your life for the better please give this a try. There is absolutely no down side to it and nothing to lose. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of this opportunity regardless of what's going on in your life or what you may need help with.”
- Anna, 28, Chef
"I first met Drago when I was looking for a tattoo artist to cover a large scar on my leg. I had never heard of QHHT and never really believed I’d had past lives. How could I have had past lives when I’ve made many foolish mistakes in this life? Well the tattoo took 14 hours and Drago explained a lot about past life regression and learning lessons in life so they don’t have to be repeated. It took me a while to get the courage to do my regression as I was quite nervous but after talking to Drago about my current life experiences I felt calm enough to let him put me under. He is so nonjudgmental and understanding he makes you relax and let him guide you to your past. My experience was unbelievably awesome. I saw six or seven past lives over a few sessions. In some lives I was pure energy and in other lives I was other than human. Being a young woman in 1940 New York City gave me the most insight as I saw myself making the mistakes I have made in this life. I now make a conscious effort daily to change my way of reacting to situations. Learning is a slow process. I’m just hoping for the best so I don’t have to experience the same lessons next time around. Unfortunately my higher self was not ready to come forth because I was not ready to face some things. I plan to have more sessions with Drago in the near future."
-Paula, 66, Retired
"I had a fantastic QHHT session with Drago who helped me...identify and release emotions that resulted in physical pain in my neck, which has been pain free since. Release a trigger I had to the sound of our garage door opener. Before the QHHT session, I would bristle up and cringe each time I heard the garage door opening in use. It doesn’t phase me now. To see how I was presenting an aspect of myself to others. I am blown away and am grateful for the observations. I feel more empowered to be myself, and I am ecstatic to work with with him again in the future!"
- Terraell, 46, Theta, Reiki, Vibrational Medicine & Ballroom Dancer
1. What can you expect when you come for a hypnosis session?
Hypnosis is not anesthesia. Your body will be relaxed but your mind will be fully aware of what is happening at all times. As we move further into the session, we will ask the mind to step back so the sub-conscious can come through. Think of hypnosis as a very long daydream.
As you visit your past life memories or the earlier part of your current life, to understand and get the answers to your questions, you will never be uncomfortable emotionally or physically. You will be given a suggestion that will allow you to avoid feeling any discomfort in order to naturally relax and put your mind at ease.
You are always in control of what you wish to explore, ask or understand about yourself. You come with the questions you want answered, and you can also request the healings you need of various things. I act as a facilitator and I will monitor the process as we go through.
2. Can you describe what happens in a QHHT session?
There are (3) parts to your session:
(The Preliminary Discussion)
Before your session, we will go over the reasons you are coming for therapy, what you hope to gain from it, the questions you would like answered, and the important relationships in your life and how they've affected you. The issues, questions and healings to be discussed with your subconscious will all be clarified with you at this time. OR, you don't have to tell me anything at all about you, as the information about you is is not a prerequisite, or required. However, a pre-history of yourself would allow me to make connections to details you would think are trivial but hold the deepest answers to your questions. Just know that the more I know about you, the more connections I can make about people while encountering them in other lifetimes and their roles and about getting certain answers to your questions. The less I know, the less I can inquire into questions and further your understanding of the subject.
(The Trance Time)
You will be settled comfortably into a reclining position where you can relax, feel safe and warm. The induction uses visualization which most people are easily able to do. Pictures and images are the way that the subconscious normally communicates. If you can remember and describe an important event from your past, then you can be assured that you are able to visualize. Once you enter the trance state, you will be immediately in touch with your subconscious, and we will be able to get the answers to your questions, to facilitate healing, and to receive the wisdom and advice that is available to you at this time, especially through dreams.
(The Reorientation)
After the session, you will be brought back to wakefulness and you will feel rested and refreshed, just as though you’ve had a nice nap, a nice sleep. We then go over the information we received and we discuss the answers to the questions you brought with you.
A QHHT session can take 3-4 hours. Typically we talk for about 1-1.5 hours and figure out what's going on in your life in the past and current and then the regression (being under) is about 1-2 hours. It goes by very fast but times can vary due to details. Allow for travel time, so you won’t be rushed. Sessions are always one-on-one, and in person.
3. How many QHHT sessions are required for a full treatment?
You can have a full treatment with one session. The number of appointments is determined by your needs, so it varies between clients. It is your choice if you would like to return to have more work done and explore more in depth about specific past lives that intrigued you or want to experience more lives and get more answers or you have extensive mental or physical issues to deal with. You can always feel free to ask for another appointment.
A full QHHT session normally lasts between 3-5 hours. Before you come, it may be helpful to prepare a list of issues and questions you want addressed, perhaps a top 15, so we will be sure not to miss anything. You can even email this list to me to save time at Some clients find it helps to have an “integration session” after they’ve had time to listen to their recording and digest what they’ve learned from their session. Returning to discuss what happened after your QHHT past life session, helps to understand what is going on in terms of your current life. New insights can emerge from further discussion of ideas and questions that have come to mind since you had your session. However, this is not a requirement. It is your choice.
4. How do I know if I can go into trance?
Trance is something we all experience many times a day. Research has shown that about 90% of the population of the planet is easily able to experience hypnosis. In fact, we experience hypnosis many times during the day. Driving for instance, when you lose a gap of time or landmarks and wonder how you got to that point and didn’t crash your vehicle or daydreaming or watching TV and getting so immersed that hours went b that seemed like moments or when you focus on something and everything in your environment including people seem to disappear including the sounds and conversations around you or reading a book and getting so involved emotionally that you start feeling the feelings of the characters and emotions and nothing else exists at that time or reading a few pages of a book and at the end, realize you don’t recall anything of what you just read.
We go into a light hypnotic trance, called “Alpha.” We block the environment out in order to focus. At any given time, were surrounded with 1 million bits of information that the brain can process, like a computer. Thats a TON of information to process. Instead of overloading the brain with too many details, it instead chooses at any given time, only 128 bits of information out of the 1 million bits of information being offerted to it. You basically have the general computing power of a Playstation 2 video game console (128 bit) that came out in the year 2000. That is antiquated by todays standards and considered very low tech. Your brain (subconscious) is basically a Playstation 50 (a very large network of interconnected servers) but due to restrictions in the brain your limited to a Playstation 2's worth of information. The brain is very complex. Imagine it like "tunnel vision" where you can only hear, sense and focus on what's in that tunnel and everything outside that tunnel is blurry, even though you're aware its there and that all the details exist. At this moment, you're in Beta, aware of your surroundings and sounds, which is the standard operating mode of the (4) levels of hypnosis. Alpha is the first altered state of hypnosis and the lightest. Most stage performing hypnotists use this. This is for the weak, or mainly used in a comical way to entertain crowds.
Studies have shown that within 30 seconds of turning on the TV, we enter a light trance state, again, losing our surroundings, people, conversations, animals, people calling our name………. While travelling on a plane, the monotonous drone of the aircraft will put most people into a trance state, which is often helpful in making a long-haul flight more bearable. As you can see from these examples we are actually hypnotized or in trance, a lot of the time. So this is nothing new to anyone.
Whether you can go into trance is up to you. You are a big part of the equation. If you do not want to, then you will not allow yourself to go into the trance state. Those who can most easily allow themselves to go into trance are able to visualize with their mind’s eye. This is the part of the mind that holds the images and symbols that we access in our dreams. And it’s the part of the mind that we work with in hypnosis. There is a test to determine whether or not you are a good subject for hypnosis. IT'S VERY SIMPLE.
Here is a little test to see how easy it is to experience hypnosis
Imagine yourself standing in front of a lemon tree. You reach out and pick a juicy lemon and peel it easily. You then separate out one of the sections. Put it into your mouth and taste the lemon. If you find yourself swallowing, or salivating, or reacting to the bitter lemon taste in some way, then you are likely to be a good candidate for hypnosis. You don’t have to taste it, you only have to react in some way. That means that something imaginary can become real in your mind. You don’t have to taste it, you only have to react in some way. That means that something imaginary can become real in your mind. Another way is to see your counties flag waving peacefully in the wind, or see a raccoon rummaging through the trash eating into a bag of Cheetos. You just visualized this in your minds eye, in your head. There are also more simpler methods.
5. Do I lose control when I’m in a trance state?
It is commonly believed that when a person is in trance they give up control. This comes from stage hypnosis, or movies where people would volunteer to get up before an audience and play the fool for a short time. Most of the audience would never agree to that and they think that these people are being controlled against their will. Not so. They are actually enjoying the suggestions they are being given by the hypnotist and the freedom hypnosis gives them to get up on stage and perform. Normally, they would never have an opportunity like that. You may be an introvert and the thought of being on stage would be scary and exhilerating at the same time.
Most people are pleasantly surprised to learn that we don’t lose control when experiencing hypnosis. We actually remain aware of everything we say and do while in hypnosis. We are using a natural ability to easily shift our focus inward, which allows us to establish a means through which to communicate with our deeper mind and inner wisdom. You will also be aware at all times where I am by my voice and know if I touch you in any way.
6. Can a disease be healed in the session?
All healing is self healing. Whether it’s with drugs, healing touch, Reiki, prayer, surgery or hypnosis, it’s your “Higher Self” that does the healing along with co-operation from your “Conscious Self”. That’s why both need to be in agreement for the healing to last.
What we do is hold open a window of opportunity long enough for you to decide if you are ready to accept healing for your condition. Healing can be immediate or it can happen over time. So we will enter a place of healing and yes, immediate healing is very possible. I have seen a woman walk out of a session literally carrying her crutches, which she had been dependent on for over a year.
If you think this is “hokey,” you may need to ask if you are ready for this. However, the beauty of Quantum Hypnosis is that, even if you do not achieve an immediate healing, we can get answers as to what is going on with your life or having your questions answered. Sometimes understanding why you have the disease, what role it plays in your life, is just as important and can help to prepare you for when you are ready for more healing. Sometimes, it isn’t the right time for healing, but every session will benefit you in some way.
7. How can I help to release the condition or heal it?
This kind of hypnosis is not like you see in stage shows for entertainment. It is also not anaesthesia. It’s more like a “guided daydream” and you are not asleep. So your conscious mind can intervene and stop what is happening at any time. This may happen because it sees a change in your health status as a threat to your normal state of being. For example, if you have been sick for a long time, the “normal state of being” to your conscious mind is sickness. Or, the information your being shown is too much for you to handle emotionally. Usually, it just needs to be reassured that you are now ready to change your health status to reflect a healthier experience.
Why would your conscious mind try to hold onto sickness? Because the conscious mind wants to protect you and is always on the alert, especially if you are the kind of person who lives a lot of the time in your mind, analyzing, and observing and being in control. The mind takes the job of “protecting” you in this world VERY seriously. When it observes that real changes can take place that are out of it’s control, it naturally will “try” to step in. But you can prepare your mind to be ready for the changes you want.
You can do this by consciously assuring yourself before you arrive that you want these changes to happen. That releasing the disease or condition is something desirable. If you arrive at your session scared and uncertain, you can be sure that your conscious mind will be on “high alert,” and will take every opportunity to stop any changes in the status quo from happening to you, even if they are healing and good for you.
Most people are able to let the conscious mind go and have no interference. And during your session we will soothe that part of you, so it can step back – take a “time out” from it’s vigilance, and allow us to work on your mind, body or emotions – whatever needs healing. But you can prepare yourself before you come, by relaxing and assuring your mind, that this is something you very much want. Using helpful affirmations like: “My conscious mind will stand back and allow clear and direct communication with my Higher Self,” begins a kind of programming process that calms the mind and teaches it that you – your soul self – is in control and you know what you are doing, so the mind can relax.
During the session you will be encouraged to follow your imagination. As we begin the process, it may even seem to you that you are making it all up. The imagery can be overwhelming sometimes including the senses of memory, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. This is the beginning of allowing your right brain, creative self to take over from the left brain, logical, conscious mind that is usually in control in most people. And as we go deeper into the process, a change happens that allows the healing to come through and the creation of images will then literally be impossible to imagine because we’ve shifted to the right side of the brain, the side that can’t story tell or lie.
I encourage you to daydream about being healed or getting answers. In this way, you are PRIMING yourself for the real thing.
Keep it up, and keep it up after the session too. And you will be allowing the healing to manifest. Remember, you are the one who does the healing. Only you. No one else. Not me or the doctors, or the drugs or the hypnosis. All healing is self healing.
8. Can I bring along a friend, or relative to sit in on the session?
You may think you need someone, but since a lot of sensitive information may emerge, it is best that you be in the session by yourself. You can then decide later what you wish to share. Having a loved around, you will subconsciously not relax because you would fear divulging information that is very private to you, deemed too sensitive and details unknown to them.
You will receive a FREE VIDEO RECORDING of your session on dvd or you can bring a portable USB drive with at least a 64GB memory card as my recording system takes up a lot of memory, which you can then share with whomever you wish if it is appropriate for them to see. If you need someone to drive you or accompany you, they will need to drop you off and wait somewhere until the session is over.
9. Can I ask questions, in my session, to help other people I know?
Our lives are all about relationships with others. This is why we are here, to help each other. So, yes, indeed you can ask questions that could help your family, your friends, your neighbors, even your pets, in fact, anyone you are in some kind of relationship with. Remember when you help others, you are helping to make this world a better place.
10. What if you are unable to leave home for any reason?
I travel a lot! I have seen 18 countries over the last 5 years. I have people fly in from other countries or drive across state to get sessions done from me so I do accommodate travelers and provide multiple location options for a more easier and convenient experience. I am willing to travel within a 50 mile radius of Tampa, preferably north, to your home ONLY IF certain requirements can be met. A trip charge will be added. You will need to be able to provide a quiet room, where you can recline (a couch or bed works nicely) and where we will be undisturbed for the duration of the session. Having family members around or animals barking can knock you out of trance by the sound of their voices or unexpected situations and that would mean the entire Induction process would have to be repeated. It must be quiet and free of external distractions. A babysitter away from the location works the best if you have children. I also cover the additional reasons about family members being around in #8 FAQ's.
A hotel room with a comfy couch or bed works. A super cheap can be rented, including lovely farms and nature cottage options with nothing but gorgeous greenery for miles, perfect for relaxing. If you're out of state or country, you can always provide airfare and accommodation for me to come to you, as I love traveling and meeting new people around the world.
11. How to arrange an appointment?
You may contact me through my email at
Please give me 24-48 hours to get back to you.
Unleash Your True Power
You will want to prepare a list of questions and concerns. As your facilitator I ask that you actually write this list down on paper and either email it to me a few days before, or bring it with you and hand it to me at our appointment. Please neatly hand write the list or print it out on the computer so that I might easily read your questions during the session.
It is also helpful to put these questions and concerns in order of importance to you, since we may not be able to address them all. I have had many clients bring a single question or issue of concern to the session, and some who bring dozens. It really does not matter how many you come up with, only that you put them in order of importance.
What Kinds of Questions Can I Ask?
A general rule of thumb is to ask personal questions or keep the topics related to your personal life. Here are a few examples:
As your facilitator I have my own prepared list of “standard” questions I can ask if you are focused upon only one or two issues, so don’t worry if you have a short list.
Don’t drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages before the session, or even, the evening before, if possible. If you are a regular morning coffee drinker, please don’t skip your coffee, but go easy and keep it to a minimum before your session.
Light exercise, such as a walk prior to your appointment, is an excellent way to prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We want your body relaxed, and your mind quiet, just observing in the background.
Try to allow half a day for your session, so you won’t be rushed. That’s about 3-4 hours. But, you are not in hypnosis all that time. We begin with a pre-talk. That may take 30 min to an hour. Then you relax and get comfortable as we begin the actual session, which can go for 60-75 min.Afterwards, we discuss what you experienced and answer your questions. The post session discussion can take 45-60 minutes. You also need to allow for travel time.
It is generally a good idea not to schedule other appointments after your session, or plan a long drive ahead of you (unless you are in the passenger seat). Having a deep trance session is very much like participating in a very detailed and involved daydream. You need to relax afterwards to allow time to process it.
You really will feel as if you have just returned from an amazing journey. It is best to have some time to process your experience and give yourself an opportunity to fully return to your regular conscious day-to-day reality before attempting any complex mental tasks or strenuous physical activity.
After Your Session
You will be in a very relaxed state when you leave your appointment. You may even feel “spaced out”. To ground yourself, eat something. You should bring a snack with you to munch on after your session. Try to have nothing demanding on the agenda for the rest of your day.
When you receive your Video recording watch it in a quiet space. For about two days to a week after your session, you will find an easy connection with your Higher Self and your dreams will be more vivid. The more often you re-experience and watch your session, the more information you will receive, and the more healing will be able to enter your energy field. This is because you are tuned into the frequency of your Higher Self. Each time you watch your video, you will again be bathed in this frequency, and feel its peace and harmony.
If you have asked for healing, or guidance on significant change in your life, be aware that this may not happen instantaneously. It can take some time for the changes that have taken place in your energy field outside the body, to move down into the body. There is no predictable time for this. Each person is dealing with different circumstances in their lives.
The best thing to do is to pay attention to synchronicities, insights, intuitions, thoughts and sudden inspirations that come to you. These usually happen when you are least expecting it. As you follow the leads that come to you, the changes you are expecting will manifest into your life.
Remember: Even though you have been healed and your life has changed on an energetic level, it takes time for this to show up in the physical. Be mindful of this, and patient with yourself. Take the time to meditate and be calm and watchful, and you will see change taking place over time.
If you allow yourself to become critical, and begin to doubt and question the reality of this experience, you will be undoing the work that has been done by your Higher Self. If this happens, watch the video and re-establish your resolve to let the healing and the changes happen. Be gentle with yourself.
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I offer a FREE 15 minute Q&A for any questions or concerns you have. Please book a time 24-48 hours in advance so I can set some time aside in my schedule to accommodate you.
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Disclaimer: Nothing stated in these posts is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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